Happy Tibetan New Year 2023!

Losar Tashi Delek Shu!
2023 ~ Tibetan Year of The Water Hare ~ 2150

Each of us has a responsibility for all humankind.
It is time for us to think of other people as true brothers and sisters and to be
concerned with their welfare, with lessening their suffering.”

~ His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Happy Tibetan New Year 2021
His Holiness the Dalai Lama leading Losar prayers
Tsuglagkhang Temple rooftop, Dharamsala, India, 2012
Photograph © Rosemary Rawcliffe

Joyful greetings for Losar, the Tibetan New Year of the Hare!
May it be full of unexpected blessings, 
pristine health and boundless happiness. 

 With love and gratitude,

RRSig .8.fw
and everyone at Frame of Mind Films


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