Women of Tibet Launches New Website

We are delighted to announce that our redesigned Women of Tibet website is finally here;
we love our "new look" and hope you do too!

It is especially exciting to share the new video teaser for our third and final film in the trilogy - Women of Tibet: The Buddha's Wife. Production is well under way and we are busy doing all we can to raise the necessary completion funds to finish the film, hopefully in time for the festival season early next year.
The Women of Tibet Project has come a long way, and it wouldn’t have been such a rewarding journey without you. Your encouragement, support, and friendship is much appreciated and cherished. Please help us again by getting the word out, and feel free to pass on our link to anyone you think will enjoy and support the work we are doing.
We hope you will continue to travel with us into this next exciting chapter for Women of Tibet and look forward to hearing from you soon! There is more exciting news on the way, so stayed tuned!
RRSig .8.fw
and everyone at Frame of Mind Films


You can help us continue bringing our important and inspiring work to the world's screens; all it takes is a small donation.