It was a blessing to share such an auspicious evening with many dear friends and supporters,
and for those who couldn’t share our experience…
Welcome to Our Night at the EMMYs®
San Francisco’s downtown Palace Hotel, the Gold Ballroom, sparkling conversation and cocktails
enliven the reception as precious friends and supporters arrive ready to celebrate our nomination.
Everyone looks elegant in black tie and evening dress. Even I clean up pretty good!
It is comforting to see familiar faces radiant with joy and good will.
The excitement is palpable. Background chamber music provides a calming effect.
Almost before we ‘arrive’ it is time to take our seats for the dinner and awards ceremony.
As we move into the Grand ballroom, elsewhere, EMMY® waits patiently …
Behind the scenes, around a table of EMMY®s, organizers flutter and fuss as “Presenters in Waiting” hover
before making their entrance to announce the next category’s winner.
Lights dim as anticipation rises…
Master of Ceremonies: Political comic Will Durst outlines the shape of things to come
The atmosphere is electric, honorees and revelers alike can hardly contain their enthusiasm.
With each course of food, the tension mounts, suspense builds and who cares about the food anyway, right?
And The Winner is…
I hear our category called – Historic/Cultural – Program/Special
then the name of our film Women of Tibet: A Quiet Revolution – Frame of Mind Films followed by the other three contenders: Assignment Africa – CBS 5, Milk, The Man, The Movie – CBS 5, Betrayal: The Life and Art of Rudolf Bauer – KRON 4 I hear the presenters talking about opening the envelope, “And the EMMY® goes to Women of… in my head, everything goes into slow motion, I hear a huge roar then nothing more until I am aware of someone nudging me, saying, “go on, you’ve got to go up…”
Shock does strange things and even though I might look as if I know what happened, it is all a surreal experience. I have no recollection of how I got on or off the stage or what happened between those two points. I am giddy with joy, and I am speechless. I find myself thinking that the real winners are the Tibetans yet I can’t get my brain to connect with what is coming out of my mouth. I hear myself thinking that winning this award is true recognition that in their 50th year in exile, Tibetans in Tibet are not forgotten and one-day all Tibetans will be free to be Tibetans in Tibet. I see ABC 7’s news anchor Cheryl Jennings beaming her congratulations up at me from the table directly in front of the podium, and I thank her for the story she did on our film at a time when I was trying to keep the project alive. And somehow I am now in front of a camera holding …
The Golden Girl captivates everyone. Bottom left in clockwise order:
Holly Hine, Bob Foley and Sunny Shine, Sondra Alexander, Will Parrinello (also a winner tonight) and Rosemary,
Tenzin Tethong, Sondra Alexander, Peter McCandless.
It is truly an honor to have been awarded the EMMY® and I am excited for what the future holds for all of us, especially for the Tibetans. But Ooops, in all the excitement we missed capturing photos of all our special guests:
from the Dalai Lama Foundation, Marsha Clark, Karen Schembs, and Jim Schuyler, and Armando Telles, Miriam’s father.
Next time!
Footnote: Since this spectacular evening, I’ve given several interviews – two to Radio Free Asia, the first of which has already broadcast and been heard all over India, in Central Tibet, and in Kham in Eastern Tibet.
To listen to another interview click here to reach Sky’s blog at the Dalai Lama Foundation.
You can read some of the messages that began to arrive once news of the EMMY® was announced.
My profound gratitude to Peter, Miriam and everyone involved in the making of Women of Tibet: A Quiet Revolution.
And thank YOU for all your good wishes, support, and encouragement over the past 10 years.
Rosemary Rawcliffe
Women of Tibet: A Quiet Revolution
Rosemary Rawcliffe
A Documentary Film
Produced, Directed & Written by
Rosemary Rawcliffe
Catherine Butler & Miriam Telles
Miriam Telles
Director of Photography
Peter McCandless
Re-Recording Mixer
Paul James Zahnley, C.A.S.
Disher Music & Sound
Original Music by
Michael Becker
with guest
Tsering Dorjee Bawa
Title Design by
Deborah Ross Film Design
Title Animation
Robert Vega
Additional Camera
Joy Quigley & June Zandona
Camera Assistant
Aram Fischer & June Zandona
Post Production Associate
Lencsi Angel
Lisa Hartjens & Linda Milks
On-Line Facility
Video Arts, Inc. SF
On-Line Editor
Jonathan Vargo
Jesse Spencer
Ed Rudolph
Motion Graphics
Ben Kopman
Archival Photo Retouching
June Zandona
Production Associates
Lencsi Angel, June Zandona,
Aram Fischer, Catherine Nightingale
Tenzin Bhuchung, Pema Chogkhan, Tseten Choden
Tenzin Ngodup, Tenzin Sherab, Nyima Wangmo
Dolma Tsering Teykhang, Dawa Dorjee
Frako Loden, Aram Fischer
PBS Distribution Consultant
Cynthia Zeiden – Zeiden Media
Jim Jourdonnais
Jim Jourdonnais & Associates
Production Accounting
Padma Holland
Lencsi Angel, June Zandona,
Catherine Nightingale, Aram Fischer,
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama,
Jetsun Pema, Rinchen Khando Choegyal,
Ama Adhe Tapontsang, Dolma Tsering Teykhang
Kasang Takla, Tseten Choeden & Simon Schneiter and Rinchen, Sonam,
and Trinley Schneiter, Samdup Dolma, Pema Chogkhan, Tenzin Peldon
Tashi Dolma & Tenzin Dasang Subhar
Universal Newsreel Narration
Josh Lebowitz
India – Production Consultants
Ritu Sarin & Tenzing Sonam – White Crane Films
Travel – Pema Wangchuk
Stills, Stock & Archival Footage
Rinchen Khando Choegyal, Jetsun Pema,
Khedroob Thondup,
Library of Tibetan Works and Archives,
Central Tibetan Administration,
Tibetan Museum & DIIR – Dharamsala, Norbulingka Institute – Suligar,
National Archives, William Bacon Productions, Monsal Pekar Desal,
Home Planet Productions, Garthwaite & Griffin Films, Inc
Ethnographic Museum of the University of Zuerich
Heinrich Harrer, Bureau de Tibet – Paris,
BFI – National Archive,
Tseten & Simon Schneiter, Michael Chen
Permission for the use of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s
image courtesy of the Private Office of His Holiness, Dharamsala, India
Thanks to everyone at
The Dalai Lama Foundation, CA
Kashmir Cottage – Dharamsala
Tibetan Children’s Village – Dharamsala
Nobulingka Handicraft Center – Suligar
Tibetan Handicraft Center, Tibetan Museum
Reception Center – McLeod Ganj
Tibetan Institute of the Performing Arts
Voice of Tibet
Hotel Tibet, McLeod Ganj
Tibetan Day School – Gopalphur,
Advisors & Consultants
Rinchen Khando Choegyal, Tenzin Choegyal,
Tenzin Namgyal Tethong, Tenzin Taklha, Tenzin Geyche Tethong
Dr. Martin Brauen, Simon Normanton, Jan Faull
& the Women’s Intercultural Network
for providing Fiscal Sponsorship in part
whose generous support this project would not have been possible
Saurin Sunny Shine, Joan and Bill Porter,
Lynn Hays, Sondra Alexander, Marisla Foundation, Pamela Krasney, Sheryl Leach,
The Pacific Pioneer Fund, Aleksandar Totic, Pierre Schwob,
Chinese Women’s Assn. of America
Very Special thanks
Sondra Alexander, Lori and Bob Warmington, Dori Caillouette, Marilyn Sutton, Dulcie and Larry Kugelman, Mary Fischer, Jane Bruce, Sally Fisher, Ellen Bruno, Wayne & Gayle Van Dyck, Leni Miller, Cate Hunter, Louise Wilkinson, Caroline Pick, Bettina Gray, Jennifer Harrington, Cathie Du Chene, Cherie Porter, Denise and David Weinstein, Tenzin Tethong, Marsha Clark, Angeles Arrien, Margery Gibbons Farrar, Signe Shaw, Winston Ching, Therese Stacy, Tony and Linda Hoeber, Anam Thubten Rinpoche, Carla Charny, Sharon Baggett, Michelle Jordan, Jetsun Chimey Luding, Steve Opson, Andrew Harvey, Ruth Moen, Deyden Thethong, Robin Garthwaite, Dan Griffin, Annie McCaffry, Mary Anne McCabe, Janet Thompson, Eva Najberg, David Milne, Steve Pappas, Thrinley Di Marco,Peter and Stephanie Coyote, Peter McCandless, Aram Fischer, Miriam Telles, Catherine Butler, Catherine Nightingale, June Zandona, Lencsi Angel, Maria Sundeen, Will Parrinello, Tom Piozet, Diane Lee, Jean Schulz, Charlene Harvey, Cheryl Jennings, Davy Davidson, Nancy Kittle
And thanks to our many anonymous supporters for their kindness and generosity.
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